One Workspace for Your Entire Day - How Makers Use Friyay

With Friyay, you and your team are able to manage all of your work and projects throughout the entire work day. Because Friyay is flexible and customizable to each team member’s role and needs, there’s no need for teams within a company to use multiple tools to manage various types of work and projects. No longer does a marketing team that has a specialized marketing tool and the sales team that has their own sales tool need someone to transfer information from the marketing tool to the sales tool or vice versa, it’s all in one place and visible to the entire company. No more being a salesperson and not knowing the status of a marketing project or not being able to locate the one pager the marketing team made because it’s in a tool that only the marketing team has access to!

Below is an example of how a maker might use Friyay throughout their day.

Check Company Announcements

As I’m starting my day, I like to get a quick update on any important company updates. I view these updates in my company’s “Announcements” feed.

Check My Notifications

Next, I check my notifications to see what needs my immediate attention and what conversations have happened on the items I care about.

Respond to Urgent Items

If an item requires my response or action as soon as possible, then I reply or fulfill the request.

Add Tasks to My Individual Action Plan

After reviewing the items that need my attention and responding to urgent requests, I add any tasks that I need to accomplish that day or week to my individual action plan.

Prioritize My Work

Once I know all of the tasks I need to complete, I prioritize them.

Tackle My Individual Action Plan

Now’s the fun part, I start working on the tasks in my action plan! In order to complete the items on my action plan, I navigate around my workspace to find, create, modify, and manage projects and resources - moving cards, creating cards, viewing cards, modifying cards, viewing data, adding files, etc.

Once I complete an item on my action plan, I add any additional information to its card and I check it off.

Sometimes, I choose to notify someone on my team that I completed a task because they have either asked me to let them know when I get a particular item done or their work is relying on me getting the task done. In order to notify them, I @mention them in the comments on the card.

Collaborate With My Team

During the day, I pay attention to the notifications I receive. If something is urgent, then I jump in and respond or complete the request. If a conversation turns into a task for myself, then I add a task to my action plan and prioritize my work.

If I need additional input from a team member or want to get a team member’s attention regarding something I’m working on, I start a conversation on the card by adding comments.

End of Day

At the end of my day, hopefully I’ve been able to check off all of the tasks on my action plan for the day, but if not, I move tasks over to the next day. I don’t worry about prioritizing the tasks because I take care of that the following day after I’ve checked my notifications and have added any other tasks.

If I have any important announcements to share with my company, then I post an update in the “Announcements” feed.

And that’s how a maker might use Friyay throughout their entire day!

Whether you’re a maker, planner, or tracker, you can use Friyay throughout your entire work day. Try it for yourself for free by signing up here.