
The App designed to make Teamwork work.

Back to the simplicity of a white board combined with the power of a database - to clarify anything.

Rally around your achievements

Create the Achievement Timeline to clarify where you are going and get your team pumped with purpose.

Make it happen seamlessly

Setup your People, Process, Practices and Tools for a clear road to achieve your Achievement Timeline so everyone knows how to get there.

Celebrate your success

Create a dashboard to visualize progress and what success looks like so you always know where you are.

Grow Team Chemistry

Feel the action and stay connected across time and space. Synchronic. A-synchronic. Voice. Text. It's fun!

Centralize the rest

You can link and share anything in a Friyay Board. The flexible canvas layout lets you organize anything anyway you want. Now your team has easy access to all the information they need to get it done - accelerating your team.


Check out the get started page with special offer.

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Uncluttered Clarity and Simplicity

Another tool? Yes and also no. Use Friyay as the ONE central uncluttered team space with ONLY the important stuff to create and maintain team clarity. No junk jungle with spamming monkeys. Link to all the places where the clutter might still be but keep it OUT of your Friyay space.

Start simple

To create clarity for your team, often all you need is just a place to share a few pieces, like on a white board. No need to overcomplicate things. Wipe it clean when you are done, or leave it there for as long as you want and just move to another board for the next thing.

Example: you're hiring for 1 job.

Keep it simple

And sometimes projects can get big and complex, and you need something really powerful to keep it simple and clear, something like a database.

Don't worry. Friyay boards can handle very large complexity.

Customizable like lego blocks, boards can be set up and transformed any way you like on the fly.

Example: you're hiring for 20 jobs.

Keep it together without all the back and forth

Think of your Friyay teamwork space as a simple visual white board you can throw anything on - to clarify everything: where you're going, how you're getting there and where you are. Then add the power of a database to slice and dice data to clarify anything complex and keep it simple.

Get It Done By Friday (#GIDBF)

Tools designed to enable aligned autonomy - Watch Video

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Whatever you need to clarify

Add anything to your white board: notes, tasks, chats, files, problem solving, training - anything. 

Since clarity is the essence of what makes Teamwork work - we designed the Friyay app to give you a simple way to start clarifying anything without all the fuss - and give you incredible power to clarify the most complex projects when you need it.

It feels great when your are well organized!

What is the thinking behind the app?


To get your team organized with clarity, sometimes it takes a chat, sometimes a meeting, sometimes a few notes, sometimes a wiki, sometimes a task list - sometimes a combination of pieces. Sometimes projects are very tiny, sometimes very large. Sometimes you like a kanban, sometimes a timeline, sometimes a table. What if you could turn a whiteboard into anything you need at any given moment - and transform it on the fly. Our design goal is to give you a simple blank white board you can put anything on to quickly clarify something - with incredible added power when you need it.